About Course
This course teaches students the principles and techniques of systems analysis and how to apply them in Semantic user-cantered digital libraries. Digital Libraries are organized collections of information, a focused collection of digital objects, including text, video, and audio, along with methods for access and retrieval, and for selection, organization, and maintenance of the collection.
Digital libraries are fast becoming an integral part of information science as more and more institutions (e.g. libraries, schools, universities, museums, corporation, government) are building their own digital collections and institutional repositories. At a more personal level, there is a need to learn how to create, manage and provide access to digital collections about our communities, families, personal interests and work
Course Content
Module 1
Name of digital library/project
Citation (URL)
Mission/goals (e.g. provide a service, conduct research on DL issues)
Community it serves (who is the audience, users)