About Course
The purposes of the measurement and evaluation course are to describe the historical development of testing and evaluation, Enumerate the importance and functions of tests in education, Explain the concept of educational objectives, Discuss the taxonomy of educational objectives, Describe the domains of educational objectives, List the uses of classroom test, List the types of test used in the classroom, Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of subjective and objective testing, Explain test administration and scoring, Estimate and interpret the reliability of a test, Explain the validity of a test as an instrument, Describe the problems of grading tests, Explain quality control in the grading system, develop a variety of item formats including multiple-choice and constructed-response items and develop answer keys and scoring rubrics for different item formats
Course Content
Module 1
Overview of Testing, Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation
Meaning of testing, Types of tests, uses of tests, function and purpose of testing, characteristics of effective tests, steps involved in a test construction
the concept of measurement, measurement scales (nominal, ordinal, ratio and interval scales)